The Power of invitation
How many amazing things have you encountered or experienced in life as the result of an invitation?
Someone extended you an invitation.
Maybe they invited you to an event. That was the extent of the invitation. And then, something happened as a result of attending that event. Looking back on it now, you realize it was life-changing.
Or was it a conversation they invited you to join? That conversation opened the door to a friendship, a relationship, or even some type of partnership.
Perhaps they invited you to consider a new idea, a different way of seeing something in the world…or even seeing the world itself. That shift opened you to a set of possibilities and set you on a new trajectory.
Maybe someone invited you on a date…and now, some years later, you and that someone have made a life together…even a family together.
But at the time, it was a single, simple invitation.
Four years ago this month, is when I first remember using “The Power of Invitation” to describe a phenomenon I was observing.
In March 2019, I began hosting a weekly hangout as an experiment. It was set to last five weeks.
I wondered if I open a Zoom room and create a space for people to come and join in a conversation will they come? Will they join the conversation? Will they stay the hour or pop in and out? Will they come back?
People came. Nine people attended that first Friday, March 1, 2019.
We ran NO ads to get people to come.
It was one of those experiments where I relied solely on organic outreach and sharing.
I posted about the event. Others shared that post. I mentioned the event in an email. That was it.
More people came the second week. Even more so the following week.
Something amazing was happening. I didn’t know many of the people who were coming.
They weren’t coming because they knew me or were personal friends wanting to ‘help a brother out.’
I started asking, “What led you here today?” Or “how did you learn about the Hangout?”
One answer was constant.
“Somebody invited me.”
They didn’t say somebody — they gave a name.
Brian invited me.
Jordan invited me.
Dawna invited me.
Mike invited me.
Or they saw a post…and somebody’s name would follow.
That’s when it first hit me — BAM!!!
This is the Power of Invitation in action!
People showed up. People joined in.
Why? Because someone invited them.
It’s that simple. At the same time — it’s that profound.
You have it! I have it! We all have it!
The ability to simply share information about something — an event, your new favorite restaurant, coffee shop, or app and ask someone to join you.
It’s more than simply sharing information.
When YOU invite someone you are:
Sharing credibility
Sharing your belief(s)
Opening the door
Paving the way
Making it easier for someone to try something new — something unfamiliar to them.
Here’s a little of what I’ve learned about the Power of Invitation these past four years.
Let’s explore it more — and realize there is much more to explore than what I can include here.
The Power of Invitation is:
A Gift
The Power of Invitation is simple. You found something, and you want to share it with others. Your invitation can be direct, or it might be indirect.
Direct modes of sharing include talking about it to someone. Hey, want to join me at/for/in, and you extend a direct invitation to someone for something specific.
Maybe you’ve not thought of you simply posting about an event on your favorite social channels as an invitation — but it is. You’re saying, here’s something I’ve found, you should check it out if you’re interested.
Writing a review takes that a step further. You’re adding your endorsement to the invitation. You are such an ardent believer (or fan) that you want to ‘go on the record’ with your support and invite anyone who reads your review to check it out for themselves.
Those are all avenues of invitation.
The Power of Invitation is personal. Being personal is what makes it powerful! YOU BELIEVE… and you’re inviting friends to join you and experience something for themselves.
I thought of YOU and thought YOU would enjoy, benefit, or want to get in on this. When YOU invite a friend — it doesn’t get more personal than that. The invitation may be a text, a phone call, an email, something that comes up in conversation, or even a tag on social media.
All of those are ways of saying to someone — hey, I thought of you and invite you to explore this for yourself.
The Power of Invitation is profound.
“Wait? What? YOU thought of ME?” That can be one of the things that runs through someone’s mind when you invite them to something. You were thinking of me! WOW! And something about this event or experience brought me to mind, and you’re extending an invitation my way?
As I typed those words, it dawned on me that the combination of an invitation being personal + profound is what makes it provocative. It’s also what motivates some unscrupulous marketers to try and manipulate people through the Power of Invitation.
PLEASE…don’t ever invite someone to something out of an impure motive or as a means to what the Internal Revenue Service calls private inurement. Using something designed to better other people solely to benefit yourself.
If you know me, you know I would never advocate that kind of action. INVITATION is radically different from MANIPULATION! Invitation frees you from manipulation.
a Gift
When you’ve experienced something that is personally significant — you want to share it with others. Your primary purpose in sharing is wanting someone else to experience the goodness you’re experiencing. Again, you’re not attempting to manipulate — simply invite and share.
I’ve found this to make a significant difference (or bring great joy, happiness, etc.) and want to share that with you. It’s a gift!
The Power of Invitation is Gracious.
As a gift — when YOU extend an invitation — and make it gracious, a NO answer is just as welcomed as a YES. Something nudged you to invite someone to something.
They may have a myriad of reasons for saying NO instead of YES. Their response, well, it’s their response. You are not responsible for how someone responds to your invitation.
Your part is to extend the invitation. Graciously. When you do, your friend feels free to say no for now. When you’re gracious about it…this current no might turn into a yes some time down the road.
inviting you to act
What’s something you’ve discovered that has tremendous benefit in your life? Who do you want to share that with? How do you extend an invitation that is attractive and enticing rather than offensive and repulsive?
Make it simple. Make it personal. It will be profound because you thought of them and shared why you think this appeals to them. You extend the invitation as a gift, and you’re gracious with how they respond.
Your invitation might just change their life. Don’t be timid or shy…just be real!
And of course, I hope you’ll use your personal Power of Invitation to invite someone to explore, embrace, and experience gratitude.
Who knows? Your invitation might just change their life!