What It Is

The Don’t Wait to Thank (DWTT) Challenge is a summer initiative created by our team at I'm Grateful for You to promote intentional expressions of gratitude throughout July. It encourages people to go beyond basic thank-you's and create deeper connections by showing appreciation in meaningful ways. 

Participants will write and give one heartfelt card a day to anybody they encounter, whether it’s their spouse, colleague, barista, rideshare driver, or takeout delivery person–and the list goes on!


If you have a circle, community, company, or congregation and want to share Don’t Wait To Thank with them, we want to help you do that.

We have resources including graphics and swipe copy text to help you invite others so they get in on the goodness of telling people I'M GRATEFUL FOR YOU every day in July.

We would love for you and your community to join our challenge this July.
Here's how you all can participate:

Set an intention each day with your community. Commit to identifying one person who might benefit from a message of gratitude. Whether it's a friend, family member, coworker, barista, or even a stranger, seek out opportunities to spread positivity.

Give away one card a day: Take a moment each day to write a simple yet meaningful message for your chosen recipient. You don’t have to overcomplicate it: genuine gratitude is what counts!

Share your stories of gratitude: As you feel inspired, share your experiences of connection and gratitude with our team. We want to be sure to celebrate the impact we're making–more importantly, the people we’re thanking.

We’re excited to see how this plays out, because we know how gratitude spreads from one person to another, encouraging each recipient to find and express gratitude in their own circles.

Taking a moment to recognize someone else's talent, work ethic, or unique contributions will have a huge impact on your organization.

Studies have also shown that people who regularly express gratitude are happier, healthier, and more optimistic. 

Here’s the real magic: expressing gratitude invites others to join you. It is contagious (in the best way) and allows us all to take part in something bigger than ourselves. 

Giving someone a gratitude card allows you to shift your own mindset and positively impact someone else. It creates a significant moment. A moment that lingers – possibly even becoming a milestone.