You are here…now

Welcome! You are here…now. 

You’ve found your way to the Grateful App. At this moment, you are one of the first people to download the app and join this amazing journey. 

Thank YOU! I’m thrilled you are here. However you found your way here, I’m thrilled you are here.

In case you didn’t know it — we’re in the final stages of testing the app. We’re hoping everything is ready for prime time…and will officially launch soon. 

And yet…YOU are here. WE ARE HERE!


I’m delighted you are here. Most of you, I already know. Many of you are part of this amazing gratitude journey. 

Some of you are actually key players IN the journey. I want to thank Maryann Kerr and shout her out. It’s going on four years ago now, when Maryann posted on LinkedIn and accomplished two things with that one post. 

She introduced me to Steve Foran. Steve and I became friends…and more. Steve is the guy I mentioned in the Backstory post who joined me to collaborate on that very first 10-Day Gratitude Challenge back in 2019. 

Then, Maryann mentioned that Steve and I were the two people who had most helped her grow in her embrace and expression of gratitude. She was the first person to tell me I had helped them grow gratitude. It was eye-opening!

I’ve told Maryann for years now that,

You are the unofficial sponsor of The Gratitude Challenge.


If this [gratitude work] was a network marketing thingy (it’s not!), I’d be in your down line, and you’d get credit for everything I do in the gratitude space.

Thanks, Maryann.

I smiled — inside and out— when you downloaded the app and joined this amazing journey.  


Our approach to the Grateful App is to “build and grow as we go.” It’s an organic approach to creating (and sharing) content and building community. If you know me, you know it’s in my heart to connect people and create spaces where people connect.

Gratitude is a powerful force for connecting people — quickly and deeply. Many of you know that already, and you know it experientially. 

What you will see and experience here is a slow build — others may call it the “Network Effect”.

The network effect is when the value or utility of a product or service is increased by the number of users who have the same product or service. Network effects are typically positive, resulting in a given user deriving more value from a product as more users join the same network. (Wikipedia)

In our case, as we ADD more content and people — there is more (content) to interact with and more people to engage in conversation and sharing with. 

Our plan IS to add content DAILY and WEEKLY.


Our place to connect and share daily. I’ll post daily inspirations. If you’ve been around a while, you’ll notice we have a new frame for the quotes. It’s our Grateful App frame and allows you to share the images and invite people to the app at the same time.


The LISTEN feature is a daily private podcast. That’s right, I’ll show up daily six days a week (one weekend episode) with a super short session designed to help you know, grow, and show gratitude. 

We call it a Gratitude Encounter Moment (GEM). It’s a moment where I’ll be your coach and share practical insights on gratitude along with an invitation to action. Something you can do TODAY to know, grow, and show gratitude. 

And, here on the Grateful App (the Grateful+ version) is the only place you’ll hear this content.


The READ feature will drop at least once a week and will usually be a long-form post. It’s designed for those who enjoy reading and will be a place where I share my freshest thoughts, insights, and experiences.


Here’s where you’ll have access to our Living IN Gratitude YouTube Channel. We’re developing and refining the structure, format, and frequency of the content shared here. You can expect at least one video a week. 


Share is a way for you to respond and interact with me and our team. Here you can post video, audio, or text responses to the content we’re sharing and how you’re growing in your gratitude journey. 


That’s where we’ll share our upcoming events and invite you to join us if you’re interested. 


Speaking of invite. YOU have the Power of Invitation. Here’s an easy way for you to invite others to join us. When you click the Invite Button, you can share the Grateful App with others via text or email. 


For the past couple of years, I’ve envisioned creating a Gratitude Gift Shop. That’s an idea in development. For now, we have a few things we’ve created that you can access there. IF you want to help us launch our Gratitude Gift Shop — please contact me.


You’ll find the Notification Center and Notification Settings — as YOU are in control of how you want to receive notices.

Dani Bacon made my day yesterday when she posted,

“It’s going to be the only app I allow notifications to pop up on my phone for…” 

WOW! What an honor! One I appreciate and understand as someone who doesn’t enable notifications on my phone either. 


Right now we’re in beta mode. We’re thrilled to have you join us…and ask that you be patient as we fine tune things. Soon, we will go live and have a launch week when we open the doors to the world…

Actually, the world IS ALREADY here. We have users joining from Canada, Iceland, England, Germany, Norway, Slovakia, South Africa, and the USA.

Our desire is to help you LIVE IN GRATITUDE! Please let us know how we're doing and how we can BE and DO better!


is it All about gratitude


what led us here